Team Play for Fun
If you're not playing for fun, then why in the hell are you playing?
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The principles that our team members adhere to, and requirements for new recruits.

Current Members

Members of Team Play For Fun adhere to the following principles:

1. We play to have fun.
2. We have fun while playing.
3. We show respect to other players.
4. We value loyalty to the team and to team members.
5. We always proudly wear the P4F tag.
6. We do not cheat.
7. We do not quit.

Potential Members

Potential new members of Team Play For Fun must:
1. Demonstrate the team's principles.
2. Be at least 18 years old.
3. Be a participant on TeamSpeak.
4. Be recommended by an existing team member.
5. Be approved by the team admins.